Doing Good - For Yourself & Others!

Sorry for the long absence!  In the past month, we've moved, celebrated birthdays & our 10 year anniversary, & started school. On top of that, my computer did not fare well in the move, but I hope to have it up & running very soon.

Until then, I wanted to mention two causes close to my heart. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, and October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I am giving a large part of my proceeds from any new clients in September or October to these causes, in the hopes of furthering research & preventing any other families from having to experience these awful diseases.

Fall is a great time to organize your home or spiff up a room before the holidays.  And, if you hire me to help you, you will know that you are helping others as well.

Happy Fall!


Taking Chances, Part 2: Our New Home


Taking Chances, Part 1: Haven Home/DIY Blogger Conference