My Inspiration Word for 2016
Happy New Year y'all! I hope everyone had a blessed and happy holiday season full of love and laughter. The holidays are bittersweet for me; fall through Christmas is my favorite time of year, and the time of year most filled with our family traditions, which are so important to me. But, it's also difficult because my mom shared my love of the holidays and traditions, and she passed away exactly 3 weeks before Christmas. Focusing on sharing the joy of Christmas & the other holidays with my girls helps me to push through my sadness, and also is a great way for me to share a part of my mom with them. I both look forward to and dread the holiday season every year, but this year the scales seemed to tip just a bit more towards joy, and for that I am grateful.
Like most people, I have spent the past couple of days reflecting on 2015, & thinking about what I want out of 2016. I've never chosen a word of the year before, but I as I was thinking about my goals, one word kept leaping out at me: FOCUS. I want to focus more on the people around me, and less on the distractions of everyday life. I want to focus on my time management so that I can spend more time making memories, and less time on my to-do list. I want to focus on my ideas & goals in order to complete the things I start, and not leave half-completed projects and partially fulfilled dreams in my wake.
I have another post for tomorrow detailing more of my plans for 2016. Until then, I'd love to hear if you have a word for the new year!
Like most people, I have spent the past couple of days reflecting on 2015, & thinking about what I want out of 2016. I've never chosen a word of the year before, but I as I was thinking about my goals, one word kept leaping out at me: FOCUS. I want to focus more on the people around me, and less on the distractions of everyday life. I want to focus on my time management so that I can spend more time making memories, and less time on my to-do list. I want to focus on my ideas & goals in order to complete the things I start, and not leave half-completed projects and partially fulfilled dreams in my wake.
I have another post for tomorrow detailing more of my plans for 2016. Until then, I'd love to hear if you have a word for the new year!
Catching Up + A New Design Board
Phew! Has it been as crazy of a spring for y'all as it has for our family? I'm starting to catch my breath but I know it is all about to ramp up again very soon. We have had a busy past few months, mostly because I am expecting our second daughter at the beginning of August! We are overjoyed and oh so grateful for this precious girl coming our way. My body, on the other hand, is not so overjoyed and I have been much sicker this time around. Basic survival has been our mantra lately and the needs of my family have come before the blog. As it should be, right? Suffice it to say, the Lenten cleaning challenge that I wrote about here did not happen. I did manage to organize our linen closet, but that was about all the challenge I could handle. Hoping to try again next year.
In addition to taking care of my fam, I've been working with some great new clients, and I also gave my first public presentation related to design. I was pleased with the topic, and hope that those in the audience were as well. Hope to share more on that soon.
It has been so fun getting to design the nursery for our new little one. Partially because it is the first room in the house that I am designing from scratch. Like most people, we have a small budget for home projects, and so many of the things that I would do to make our house more us will not happen for a long while. Her nursery will be the first room that is completely us from start to finish, and that is exciting (& causing a little anxiety). Designers always have trouble with their own homes because we are exposed to so much every day, and when pregnancy hormones are added into the mix, watch out. :)
But, that's what a good design board is for, right? To act as a visual guide to the room. While changes may be made due to time or money constraints (or because I plain ol' changed my mind), here is the basis of her room. I need to give credit to my awesome, hard-working hubby who said, "no problem!" when I explained I wanted to install some type of board & batten, new lighting, paint, a customized closet system, custom drapery, etc. This will all be DIY so I hope to document some of it here once we finish. Luckily for him, I'm much more relaxed this time around, and keep reminding myself & him that at least she has a crib to sleep in and a glider to be rocked in, if her room isn't finished in time. Much different than the 'it must be done months ahead of time' attitude I had with our firstborn.
After some experimental board placement, we've decided to go with a bit simpler board & batten pattern. Once we layed out some different patterns, the one pictured above was a little too busy for the room (& a lot more work). I am including a picture rail however, & cannot wait to see how that turns out. Above the b&b is Benjamin Moore's Valley Forge Tan. This room was a beast when it came to choosing the paint color. It is a north facing room (so no direct sunlight), tucked into a corner of our house, and every paint color in this room skewed green, peach, or purple. I feel like I am usually fairly adept at seeing the undertones in paint, but this one had me scratching my head. VFT is the closest to what I'm picturing in my head, so I'm hoping it works out.
We already own the crib, glider, side table, lamp, and a similar dresser, so I made sure to work the design around these items in order to save money. The real stars of the room will be the fantastic toile fabric, coral trimmed drapes, and bamboo lantern that reminds me of the one my grandparents had hanging in their breakfast room for years.
I have not yet picked out any art for her room. Art is so personal to me, and while I will choose pieces for clients if they wish, I believe that collecting pieces that speak to you is a much better method than choosing just any old thing at a big box store. It is a surefire way to add depth and character into your home.
Hopefully, I will have an update sooner rather than later. Until then, hoping everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer!
In addition to taking care of my fam, I've been working with some great new clients, and I also gave my first public presentation related to design. I was pleased with the topic, and hope that those in the audience were as well. Hope to share more on that soon.
It has been so fun getting to design the nursery for our new little one. Partially because it is the first room in the house that I am designing from scratch. Like most people, we have a small budget for home projects, and so many of the things that I would do to make our house more us will not happen for a long while. Her nursery will be the first room that is completely us from start to finish, and that is exciting (& causing a little anxiety). Designers always have trouble with their own homes because we are exposed to so much every day, and when pregnancy hormones are added into the mix, watch out. :)
But, that's what a good design board is for, right? To act as a visual guide to the room. While changes may be made due to time or money constraints (or because I plain ol' changed my mind), here is the basis of her room. I need to give credit to my awesome, hard-working hubby who said, "no problem!" when I explained I wanted to install some type of board & batten, new lighting, paint, a customized closet system, custom drapery, etc. This will all be DIY so I hope to document some of it here once we finish. Luckily for him, I'm much more relaxed this time around, and keep reminding myself & him that at least she has a crib to sleep in and a glider to be rocked in, if her room isn't finished in time. Much different than the 'it must be done months ahead of time' attitude I had with our firstborn.
After some experimental board placement, we've decided to go with a bit simpler board & batten pattern. Once we layed out some different patterns, the one pictured above was a little too busy for the room (& a lot more work). I am including a picture rail however, & cannot wait to see how that turns out. Above the b&b is Benjamin Moore's Valley Forge Tan. This room was a beast when it came to choosing the paint color. It is a north facing room (so no direct sunlight), tucked into a corner of our house, and every paint color in this room skewed green, peach, or purple. I feel like I am usually fairly adept at seeing the undertones in paint, but this one had me scratching my head. VFT is the closest to what I'm picturing in my head, so I'm hoping it works out.
We already own the crib, glider, side table, lamp, and a similar dresser, so I made sure to work the design around these items in order to save money. The real stars of the room will be the fantastic toile fabric, coral trimmed drapes, and bamboo lantern that reminds me of the one my grandparents had hanging in their breakfast room for years.
I have not yet picked out any art for her room. Art is so personal to me, and while I will choose pieces for clients if they wish, I believe that collecting pieces that speak to you is a much better method than choosing just any old thing at a big box store. It is a surefire way to add depth and character into your home.
Hopefully, I will have an update sooner rather than later. Until then, hoping everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer!
Restoration (Organizing for Lent)
If you follow me on Pinterest, you probably won't be surprised to hear that I have a bad case of the beach blues. If time & money would permit, I would have left for the beach before the first snow hit Atlanta back in January, & doubt I would return for many weeks.
Besides the obvious (sun, waves, frozen drinks), I've been thinking about what contributes to that sense of calm & soul restoration that comes with a vacation in a beach town. And I realized that all of my favorite places to stay have something in common: a clean, uncluttered atmosphere. Everything is in its place. There isn't a lot of clutter or visual busyness. Towels & beach bags hang on pegs in the halls & baths. Dressers & closets have plenty of space for your stuff. Coffee tables offer a place to rest bare feet or frosty glasses.
Images like the one below spring to mind.
Of course, all of this can also make a vacation home impersonal. Finding a balance between displaying the things that make your house your own vs. not letting your stuff take over is important. I'm inspired to clear out the clutter, to give my spaces room to breathe. My best friend told me about a Lenten challenge to declutter one area of your home every day for 40 days. I believe two blogs, &, are providing instruction on how to accomplish this big task. I'm going to attempt to follow along myself, and will give you an update around Easter. If you decide to join, let me know - I'd love to hear how it went for you!
Besides the obvious (sun, waves, frozen drinks), I've been thinking about what contributes to that sense of calm & soul restoration that comes with a vacation in a beach town. And I realized that all of my favorite places to stay have something in common: a clean, uncluttered atmosphere. Everything is in its place. There isn't a lot of clutter or visual busyness. Towels & beach bags hang on pegs in the halls & baths. Dressers & closets have plenty of space for your stuff. Coffee tables offer a place to rest bare feet or frosty glasses.
Images like the one below spring to mind.
via |
Of course, all of this can also make a vacation home impersonal. Finding a balance between displaying the things that make your house your own vs. not letting your stuff take over is important. I'm inspired to clear out the clutter, to give my spaces room to breathe. My best friend told me about a Lenten challenge to declutter one area of your home every day for 40 days. I believe two blogs, &, are providing instruction on how to accomplish this big task. I'm going to attempt to follow along myself, and will give you an update around Easter. If you decide to join, let me know - I'd love to hear how it went for you!
A little break and big news
I'm not going to presume that anyone reading this has been anxiously awaiting my next post. But I also didn't want my 8 loyal followers to think that I've quit this blogging business. ;)
Truth is, I am swamped & it's only going to get busier before things even out. I am lucky to have taken on more clients and to be attending the Haven conference this week in Atlanta. Big nerves about that one...I don't think I'll know a soul, but I'm hoping to learn a lot & make some new friends.
But the main reason I've been absent (& probably will be for the next few weeks) is because most of my days lately look like this:
That's right. We are moving. Again. But hopefully, this is the last time for a loooong time (maybe even forever?). And don't be fooled. That may look like a meager amount of boxes, but I'm packing 4-8 a day in the hopes that I'll be ready when the big day comes in 2 weeks - it feels like I've already packed hundreds!
We have been looking for our long-term home for a while now. As in, it's been at least 2 years. We have very patient family & friends in the real estate/mortgage business. And our new house deserves a post all itself, but I will share its fun background. Some of you may recognize the kitchen from places around the web.
Through a series of events that could only have been orchestrated from up above, we purchased the home of Julie from Milk & Honey Home. And while we do plan to tweak some things to make it our own, we are grateful for the beautiful home Julie & her family have created that will now be our family's place to love & grow.
I'll most likely be busy packing, moving, & trying to squeeze in the last bits of summer over the next few weeks. I do post to Instagram on a regular basis so follow hcb interiors for more updates!
Have a fantastic week!
Truth is, I am swamped & it's only going to get busier before things even out. I am lucky to have taken on more clients and to be attending the Haven conference this week in Atlanta. Big nerves about that one...I don't think I'll know a soul, but I'm hoping to learn a lot & make some new friends.
But the main reason I've been absent (& probably will be for the next few weeks) is because most of my days lately look like this:
That's right. We are moving. Again. But hopefully, this is the last time for a loooong time (maybe even forever?). And don't be fooled. That may look like a meager amount of boxes, but I'm packing 4-8 a day in the hopes that I'll be ready when the big day comes in 2 weeks - it feels like I've already packed hundreds!
We have been looking for our long-term home for a while now. As in, it's been at least 2 years. We have very patient family & friends in the real estate/mortgage business. And our new house deserves a post all itself, but I will share its fun background. Some of you may recognize the kitchen from places around the web. | |
Through a series of events that could only have been orchestrated from up above, we purchased the home of Julie from Milk & Honey Home. And while we do plan to tweak some things to make it our own, we are grateful for the beautiful home Julie & her family have created that will now be our family's place to love & grow.
I'll most likely be busy packing, moving, & trying to squeeze in the last bits of summer over the next few weeks. I do post to Instagram on a regular basis so follow hcb interiors for more updates!
Have a fantastic week!
Balance (& being a Master Designer)
Don't we all strive for more balance in our lives? If we tilt too far in one direction, the ripples can be felt in all areas of our life. There are 2 things I have struggled with since starting this business - the balance of family life & work, and the balance of greedy consumerism vs appreciation.
First, the balance of family & work. For the six months after I had my girl, when I went to work, I didn't always want to be there, but while I was there, I focused on the task in front of me. And when I was home, I focused on my family. I was mostly balanced. Then I was blessed to be able to stay at home for the next 18 months. And my family was my work, so I was mostly balanced again. But there was a small part of me that felt like, even though staying at home had always been my desire, I needed something just for me. I began to feel off-kilter. Working & being a mom is HARD, no matter if you work outside of the home, from home, or in the home. I have done all 3, & I am here to tell you they all have their pros & cons. So let's stop beating other women (& ourselves) up for their (our) choices, okay? Sorry, tangent.
Anyway, I figured that starting my own business & working from home would give me the flexibility I needed, the ability to be home with my girl, & the creative outlet that I craved. has been so much harder than I thought. I'm not saying that working from home is harder than working outside or inside the home. I'm just saying it has been much harder for me personally to find the balance. Because my days still primarily revolve around my child. But, my phone dings constantly with emails, phone calls, & texts from clients. I zealously read books, magazines, & blogs for education and inspiration, and Pinterest has become an obsession. My phone is both a curse & a blessing. Because I can be reached 24/7 in all manner of ways, & inspiration is all around me, I feel like I'm never truly not working. I knew I wasn't doing a good job of balancing it all when CC asked me to put my phone down & play. Guilt overload. I'm working on doing a better job. Because she is what truly matters to me. And if she ever thought that my work was more important than her, it would do me in. So I've learned to let things go. My house is a mess. Our meals aren't very detailed or creative anymore. All of my DIY projects have been pushed to the side. And I often go to bed around midnight or later because I work after she goes to bed. Right now, it's worth it. And when that doesn't work anymore, I'll figure out a new balance. But man, achieving that balance is hard & constantly evolving. She's so worth it though. How could I not give my all for this sweet face?
First, the balance of family & work. For the six months after I had my girl, when I went to work, I didn't always want to be there, but while I was there, I focused on the task in front of me. And when I was home, I focused on my family. I was mostly balanced. Then I was blessed to be able to stay at home for the next 18 months. And my family was my work, so I was mostly balanced again. But there was a small part of me that felt like, even though staying at home had always been my desire, I needed something just for me. I began to feel off-kilter. Working & being a mom is HARD, no matter if you work outside of the home, from home, or in the home. I have done all 3, & I am here to tell you they all have their pros & cons. So let's stop beating other women (& ourselves) up for their (our) choices, okay? Sorry, tangent.
Anyway, I figured that starting my own business & working from home would give me the flexibility I needed, the ability to be home with my girl, & the creative outlet that I craved. has been so much harder than I thought. I'm not saying that working from home is harder than working outside or inside the home. I'm just saying it has been much harder for me personally to find the balance. Because my days still primarily revolve around my child. But, my phone dings constantly with emails, phone calls, & texts from clients. I zealously read books, magazines, & blogs for education and inspiration, and Pinterest has become an obsession. My phone is both a curse & a blessing. Because I can be reached 24/7 in all manner of ways, & inspiration is all around me, I feel like I'm never truly not working. I knew I wasn't doing a good job of balancing it all when CC asked me to put my phone down & play. Guilt overload. I'm working on doing a better job. Because she is what truly matters to me. And if she ever thought that my work was more important than her, it would do me in. So I've learned to let things go. My house is a mess. Our meals aren't very detailed or creative anymore. All of my DIY projects have been pushed to the side. And I often go to bed around midnight or later because I work after she goes to bed. Right now, it's worth it. And when that doesn't work anymore, I'll figure out a new balance. But man, achieving that balance is hard & constantly evolving. She's so worth it though. How could I not give my all for this sweet face?
The other big thing I have struggled with is maintaining my inner compass while working in a field that is, on the surface, about external beauty. I'll admit, more than once, I've gotten a case of the gimme gimmes. I would stare at the walls of our military housing & dream of the days when I could have my own house with everything just the way I wanted. But you know what? This turned into constant planning for our "someday" house. Dreaming & planning is great, but when you can't also enjoy the present because all you can think about is how if you could just change X, Y, or Z, then you'd be happy, that's not so great. The struggle of enjoying beautiful things while not becoming consumed by them can be difficult.
Luckily, I found the Master Designer Manifesto. Darlene Weir, of Fieldstone Hill (the same designer/blog I focused on during my Design 101 posts), has it figured out. And she kindly added me to her Master Designer blogroll, & asked me to share about it here.
Here's the thing. True happiness doesn't come from material goods. But you can still appreciate them, as long as you remember what really matters in life. I struggled to find this balance, because I sometimes felt like I was being materialistic by enjoying design & dreaming about it.
I think my favorite part of her design manifesto is "I appreciate fine and lovely things, but they are not my treasures. I know what is truly important, and I do not aim to 'store up my treasures here on earth' {Matthew 6:19}". I have worked as a pediatric nurse for very sick kids. My husband is a war veteran. We have endured miscarriages, infertility, & the much too early passings of my mom & Army friends. I share all this only because it is these experiences that have taught me what life is truly about, & it's not the beautiful things that I work with everyday.
Thank you, Darlene for once again inspiring me. I am proud to be a Master Designer.
Lunch & Lessons
Last Friday, I had the honor of being invited to a luncheon attended by many of the Atlanta designers whose blogs I follow. I have to admit, it was a little surreal having my online world collide with the real world. Women whose work I have studied in numerous publications, & who I feel I know personally because I read their blogs on a regular basis, were in attendance. Of course, my natural tendency in intimidating social situations is to become practically mute & simply observe. I tried my best to mingle, but I was still a little in shock that I was actually a part of the shindig, so I'm not sure I said more than 10 words the whole time.
Sweet Julie from Milk and Honey Home was the one who so kindly invited me to the lunch, & she shared some bits of wisdom on getting started in this business. Although she was full of good advice, the main thing I took away was this: act like you're supposed to be a part of wherever you are, like you know what you are doing, and others will follow along. I can be a perfectionist at heart who does not take failure or criticism well. I have a hard time enjoying the learning process, & making mistakes just about does me in, but the only way to hone your craft is through continuous practice. Luckily, my mistakes tend to only be detrimental to myself, never to my clients. The good thing about design is that, unlike my previous profession, mistakes are not life or death matters, just embarrassing (& sometimes what starts as a mistake ends up being the best part of the design!).
I left the luncheon inspired by the beauty of the setting (Lindsey Hene hosted - talk about a gorgeous home!), & by the creative genius of the attendees. I feel so lucky to have been included in the company of those who inspire me - being invited to an event like this honestly never even entered my realm of possibilities, so to be able to look back & record it here is more than a dream come true.
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Sweet Julie from Milk and Honey Home was the one who so kindly invited me to the lunch, & she shared some bits of wisdom on getting started in this business. Although she was full of good advice, the main thing I took away was this: act like you're supposed to be a part of wherever you are, like you know what you are doing, and others will follow along. I can be a perfectionist at heart who does not take failure or criticism well. I have a hard time enjoying the learning process, & making mistakes just about does me in, but the only way to hone your craft is through continuous practice. Luckily, my mistakes tend to only be detrimental to myself, never to my clients. The good thing about design is that, unlike my previous profession, mistakes are not life or death matters, just embarrassing (& sometimes what starts as a mistake ends up being the best part of the design!).
I left the luncheon inspired by the beauty of the setting (Lindsey Hene hosted - talk about a gorgeous home!), & by the creative genius of the attendees. I feel so lucky to have been included in the company of those who inspire me - being invited to an event like this honestly never even entered my realm of possibilities, so to be able to look back & record it here is more than a dream come true.
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Hi y'all!
Welcome to hcb interiors! I am so happy to have you visit, truly. Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, & let's get to know each other...
My main inspiration for this blog & business? My mom. I mention her briefly in the "About" page, but even if I had infinite time & space to write, it still would not do her justice. She passed away right before Christmas 2011, & we have been adjusting to our new normal ever since. She was my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, & a positive force in my life. I know many people who would say the exact same about her - she had the gift of making everyone she met feel special. Mama accomplished almost all of her "bucket list" items before her mid-50s. Isn't that incredible? I, on the other hand, have accomplished very few things on my list. After she passed, I realized that I wanted to be able to say that I did not let fear of failure or the unknown stop me from fulfilling my dreams.
So, here we are. I have wanted to be involved in interior design since I was young, but, being oh so practical, decided instead that I needed to pursue a career in medicine because it would provide a steady job & a flexible schedule to be with my family. But the heart knows what it wants, & even though I LOVED my patients, I did not love my job. I spent hours outside of work getting lost in shelter magazines, decor blogs, & redesigning my home over & over again. Luckily, my husband's military career required lots of moving, & I have had the opportunity to design 7 different homes in the past 10 years. Each home had a different look & feel, but I mainly used the same items over & over again in different ways (a soldier's budget does not cover much when it comes to decor).
Over the years, friends & neighbors have asked for my decorating & organizing advice. I even had one lady ask me if I'd be interested in joining her home investment team based on the small glimpse she got of my house while at a garage sale! With all of that positive encouragement, I started slowly taking on clients, mostly helping with organization or home staging. Then, I had a sweet client bless me with the chance to be involved in her major home renovation, & things have taken off from there. My projects have included: home renovations, styling, helping newlyweds merge their styles, decorating a 4500 sq ft home simply by reusing the owner's belongings (no $ spent!), & helping young families develop short & long-term goals for their forever homes.
I love what I do, & I love the people I get to work with. I strongly believe that homes should be functional, and that they should reflect YOU - not the latest trend or what your dad's second cousin thinks your house should look like. If you would like to know more about how I can help you bring out the best in your home, please contact me!
Thanks again for visiting!
My main inspiration for this blog & business? My mom. I mention her briefly in the "About" page, but even if I had infinite time & space to write, it still would not do her justice. She passed away right before Christmas 2011, & we have been adjusting to our new normal ever since. She was my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, & a positive force in my life. I know many people who would say the exact same about her - she had the gift of making everyone she met feel special. Mama accomplished almost all of her "bucket list" items before her mid-50s. Isn't that incredible? I, on the other hand, have accomplished very few things on my list. After she passed, I realized that I wanted to be able to say that I did not let fear of failure or the unknown stop me from fulfilling my dreams.
So, here we are. I have wanted to be involved in interior design since I was young, but, being oh so practical, decided instead that I needed to pursue a career in medicine because it would provide a steady job & a flexible schedule to be with my family. But the heart knows what it wants, & even though I LOVED my patients, I did not love my job. I spent hours outside of work getting lost in shelter magazines, decor blogs, & redesigning my home over & over again. Luckily, my husband's military career required lots of moving, & I have had the opportunity to design 7 different homes in the past 10 years. Each home had a different look & feel, but I mainly used the same items over & over again in different ways (a soldier's budget does not cover much when it comes to decor).
Over the years, friends & neighbors have asked for my decorating & organizing advice. I even had one lady ask me if I'd be interested in joining her home investment team based on the small glimpse she got of my house while at a garage sale! With all of that positive encouragement, I started slowly taking on clients, mostly helping with organization or home staging. Then, I had a sweet client bless me with the chance to be involved in her major home renovation, & things have taken off from there. My projects have included: home renovations, styling, helping newlyweds merge their styles, decorating a 4500 sq ft home simply by reusing the owner's belongings (no $ spent!), & helping young families develop short & long-term goals for their forever homes.
I love what I do, & I love the people I get to work with. I strongly believe that homes should be functional, and that they should reflect YOU - not the latest trend or what your dad's second cousin thinks your house should look like. If you would like to know more about how I can help you bring out the best in your home, please contact me!
Thanks again for visiting!